Sejak 2 ari yg lps, penyakit mls asyik dtg jek..aku rase xnk buat sume bnde, klo bole nk bermalas-malasan jek..haha~ no no, cannot..ank dara sile rajin2 kan diri.. em, mybe sbb aura blk dri holiday kot,huhu~ Nway aritu ari ahd aku g batu pahat..membe kawen, tdo batu pahat 1 malam.. Walopon sehari it's release my tension.. N now, aura holiday tu still inside my body, xnk kua lg agaknye.. Oh, knp sgt terasa tidak rajin...
tata...just wanna lay in my bed
puan lecturer: awk nk letak parameter brape?200,300
Arini aku jd macik lg tuk ank buah no 3. Nmpk sgt da tua da.haha. Welcome abroad my little princess. Nme pon xde lg. Congrat to kakni n husband. Tarikh ni jgk die nk kua. Pndai kamu pilih tarikh yeh c kecik. No ic mesti comey 111111-11-....... Nnti sy blk jmpe kamu yeh..
Dlu2 aku ade entry psl geng skolah n geng uni aku. Xpernah cite psl matrix. Tetibe teringat my matrix's life. Sgt fun+stress+shock+sad+interesting+suck n more more more smpai xleh describe dh. Sume ade.huhu. Naseb baek la setaun jek, klo lame aku xsggup beb. No no no..
Skang aku dah start kne wt assignment. ade 2 asgment kne siapkan. Kne wt paper la pulakkk, benci btol aku bab2 wt paper ni. klo 1-2 ms xpe jgk, ni 15 ms kau. Aduyai, tang mne nk mengarut nii.
Kli ni kne wt psl AI. Aku tgh pk2 lg nk amek field mne. Try tye2 org, tp smpai skg still xde decision. Cmno aih jang. Arap2 besok ade ler idea nyee. Kn best klo ade cap cmni, senang sket bg idea tros wt decision...heee
K, dis song tuk sape2 yg mengenali aku..keep in touch..:)
I'm now alone at the office. Boring.. Where the hell are you going everybody???... Arini ari jumaat ke ahad??...felik2.. Tgk date, 29/7/2011, ari jumaat btol la tu.. Tp mne sume org pg??..
Bosan bin boring ler.. Nak buat keje pon tade mud. Klo blk, tade ape jgk nk buat. Okla, saye nk lyn youtube k. Td jmpe video matlutfi90, hahahaha..suke la pulek yaw. Then, terjumpe besday song by Tom cat, cuteeee yaw...share kt min, because today his besday. Epi besday yeh.
Okla, nk cont lyn youtube...smbil2 cari keje..haha..peace yaw!!
Hi.. I'm watching 'down to earth' now. Bosan tade nk buat pape. Waiting for 2morow.huhu. Just now watching 'galaksi', they talk about liyana fizi. Then teros google, best jgk sore minah ni. Lagu 'light writing' very da cute.huhu
even if little bit sengau..hahahaha
watever it is, i like it okeh..toink toink
Hafizi: Normally lelaki akan kecewa sebanyak 6 kli sebelum die jumpa cinta sejati,true lurve.... an email????..hahaha