2012 is coming

Selamat menyambut tahun baru 2012...
bersyukur 2011 telah berjaya aku tempuh...alhamdulillah..
n now...more fighting on 2012!!!

lazy lazy

Sejak 2 ari yg lps, penyakit mls asyik dtg jek..aku rase xnk buat sume bnde, klo bole nk bermalas-malasan jek..haha~ no no, cannot..ank dara sile rajin2 kan diri.. em, mybe sbb aura blk dri holiday kot,huhu~ Nway aritu ari ahd aku g batu pahat..membe kawen, tdo batu pahat 1 malam.. Walopon sehari it's release my tension.. N now, aura holiday tu still inside my body, xnk kua lg agaknye.. Oh, knp sgt terasa tidak rajin...

tata...just wanna lay in my bed


Yes!! you laa..dun toleh2 tepi..because it's u...huhu~


Nk tergelak aku bce ni...hhaha

dahlia vs aina

Do they look same?...huhu

p/s: pic taken from diyana halik's instagram


this pic means a lot...

p/s: The baby is cute super duper cute!!!!


sometimes people can be like this...not sometimes but always...

what happen next

I'm a part of it. Yeah, this cycle it's true. Dunno why i must go thru it. It's suck. Really hate it. Just hope that it will be recovered soon. Please get speedy recovery!!!....


Why it is always happen to me??...darn!! Selalu mcm ni.. Semestinye aku sgt geram..

aku kau

Aku kn klo menulis kt blog, aku akan gune 'aku kau'(in ganu=aku mung).. Xbiase duh dengan gaya penulisan saya awak ni. Dah try beberapa kali kot, tp xleh get along. Xkena ngan jiwa..haha~

Tgk blog2 laen dok saya awak saya awak, harusla aku nk jd sopan santun mcm tu. Cam kiut2 comel2 gtu kan. Tp sgtla xkena ngan jiwa aku. Bila membahasakan diri saya awak, semestinya ayat bahasa melayu aku tunggang langgang.haha. Bahasa melayu pon dpt 2 spm, maunya x tunggang langgang.(dah kantoi sume tau)

Bila membahasakan diri ini saya awak, maka kejujuran di hati aku pon kurang. Xtelus kate orang. Ape yg aku nk sampaikan x tersampai. Mcm mane ntah nk ckp, phm2 sendiri la.huhu

Thus, aku disini ingin menyatakan membahasakan diri dgn aku kau adalah serasi dgn aku. Bab kate adlin ngn amy mastura 'serasi bersama'..

Sekian, terima kasih..

tata then

reason why

puan lecturer: awk nk letak parameter brape?200,300

cik student: 200
puan lecturer: kenape 200, mesti ade sebab. xkan saje2 je 200. ape2 yg kite pilih mesti ade sebab.btol x?xkn tetibe ade jwpn tu kn
all student: btol

aku pon terpikir,..........

aku: btol jgk..xkn tetibe kite buat keputusan mcm tu. Jd btol la org ckp anything happen must be a reason. Sesuai dgn pepatah, sesuatu yg berlaku ade hikmah nye..

Aku pon xtau ape motip tulis entry ni, cume aku terpikir.....


Arini aku jd macik lg tuk ank buah no 3. Nmpk sgt da tua da.haha. Welcome abroad my little princess. Nme pon xde lg. Congrat to kakni n husband. Tarikh ni jgk die nk kua. Pndai kamu pilih tarikh yeh c kecik. No ic mesti comey 111111-11-....... Nnti sy blk jmpe kamu yeh..


p/s: gmba taken from fb

gambang in memory

Dlu2 aku ade entry psl geng skolah n geng uni aku. Xpernah cite psl matrix. Tetibe teringat my matrix's life. Sgt fun+stress+shock+sad+interesting+suck n more more more smpai xleh describe dh. Sume ade.huhu. Naseb baek la setaun jek, klo lame aku xsggup beb. No no no..

welcome to kmph!!!

Matrix aku dipanggil materik gambang,hoho.bkn gampang, sebot btol2 eh. FYI, aku adalah 2nd batch for materik gambang, matrix baru kate ko. Aku rndu ah ngn geng2 matrix aku.. Ejam, ecah, fair,lye yee..miss dong kamu. Naseb aku tau korg wtpe skg, yg the rest tu lgsg xde kontek.. Ntah mne ntah dorang skg, mesti dah beranak pinak, dah berpangkat besa skg yeh,huhu.. Em, aritu kn aku rse aku ade jmpe ex-classmate aku, nme ape eh, seingat aku lin kot.. Aku lpe nme penuh die r. Jmpe mse wedding membe aku. Ade lg sorang minah ni memang mamat abes r wa ckp lu. Xde rope pompuan pon, tp aritu terserempak ngn die kt the mines, lebih ayu dri dlu.. Ingt x jam? Fira...

yg ni pentad, aku pon xtau asal pgil cenggitu, dah sume pgil cmtu aku follow je, i follow kate salleh yaakob

Then also i miss my roomates, aja, ema, aida. Last jmpa aida mse rye taun 2009, last jmpe ema taun lps 2010, time ema kawen n now dah ade little boy n last jmpe aja taun lps kot 2010 kt Times Square, coincidence.

Byk benda happen kt matrix ni walopon setaun, n yg xleh lupe punn adoii smpai skg adalah kejadian yg xpatot berlaku tu..huhu~ Agak2nye mne la bdk tu skg eh..

Kt cni jgkla aku ade semangat tlg menolong, g tlg usha cowok ganteng tuk roomate aku kt court squash..tp xselalu, aida yg slalu jd mangsa..hehe. Lawak gle kot, semata2 suke squash sbb nk usha beliau,haha. Tp serius antara tempat2 yg aku blaja matrix salah 1 tmpt yg aku rase rmai jejaka tampan,hahaha(bdk fizik meh,spoil btol coz aku bdk hayat). Tp 1 pon aku xdpt, demmm.poyo gle statement, bhahahahaha.

Rmai gak bdk matrix aku 1 fak ngn aku kt ukm, cm fat,yusri(classmate aida), azran, wali n lg lg, aku dah lupe dh. My guru kelasss sgt kelazzzz kauu.. Sir_ _ _, em aku lupe la nme die,aiyooo. Die sgt sporting.

yg ni library, aku msuk time ade asgment ngn exam jek, klo x haremm aku nk msuk

yg ni masjid, xkn xtau kot..sebelah blok aku, aku pegi time orientasi n time subjek agama islam,huhu~ ade lg kot, aku dah lupe, tp yg pasti klo ade event aku pegi..muahahaha(xsenon btol)

Pengalaman matrix sgt la mematrixkan aku,huhu..sile buat2 paham ayt ini. Missshh u materik gambang. Peace yaw~..


Skang aku dah start kne wt assignment. ade 2 asgment kne siapkan. Kne wt paper la pulakkk, benci btol aku bab2 wt paper ni. klo 1-2 ms xpe jgk, ni 15 ms kau. Aduyai, tang mne nk mengarut nii.

Kli ni kne wt psl AI. Aku tgh pk2 lg nk amek field mne. Try tye2 org, tp smpai skg still xde decision. Cmno aih jang. Arap2 besok ade ler idea nyee. Kn best klo ade cap cmni, senang sket bg idea tros wt decision...heee

wish u were here

Really love this new single by avril.. enjoy listening :)

papai ~(^_^)~

i dont know

Korang mesti slalu mcm ni kn??.. ish ish xbaek tau. Aku tak, aku still akan layan cam bese, aku baek...huhu~ (pliz jgn pecaye)



Well, i think so...


Back to the routine again..haih. Kenapa la cpt sgt. Xbole ke bg lame2 sket. Pape pon kne face jgk. Harap tabah menempuh dugaan mendatang. amin. N i promise myself to:

papai then..

made by malaysians


Ternanti2 video nii, lastly arini bru tgk..alaa, terlambat. Tp hasilnya sgt membanggakan. Good job matlutfi, terharu tgk video ni.. N i am proud to be malaysian too..

how to love

Hi, it's been a while x update blog ni.. I'm busy rite now, hahaha..busy being single..huhu~ Arini ade potluck kt opis, dtg bwk kueh jek. Tu je yg jmpe,hihi. Bykla mknn dorg bwk. Ni pon ade lg mknn yg blom d mkn. Klo 'muhd ammar' ade, msti dh abes sume mknn. Ade saka la kate kn, haha~

K, dis song tuk sape2 yg mengenali aku..keep in touch..:)

ari raya wishing

mak aku ckp raya taun ni kne raye sguh2..yes mummy i will!!..here i come your baby...
selamat ari raya kpd yg mengenali diri ini..
maaf zahir dan batin (eh, zahir sajok)..haha

p/s: thanks to pemberi kad raya walopon xseberapa...huhu~

fasting wish

Selamat berpose yeh 4 ol of u..
pose jgn xpose
pose jgn xpose...huhu

p/s: 1/8/2011-first day pose


I'm now alone at the office. Boring.. Where the hell are you going everybody???... Arini ari jumaat ke ahad??...felik2.. Tgk date, 29/7/2011, ari jumaat btol la tu.. Tp mne sume org pg??..

Bosan bin boring ler.. Nak buat keje pon tade mud. Klo blk, tade ape jgk nk buat. Okla, saye nk lyn youtube k. Td jmpe video matlutfi90, hahahaha..suke la pulek yaw. Then, terjumpe besday song by Tom cat, cuteeee yaw...share kt min, because today his besday. Epi besday yeh.

Okla, nk cont lyn youtube...smbil2 cari keje..haha..peace yaw!!


i'm so worried..........

----------the end------------


Hi.. I'm watching 'down to earth' now. Bosan tade nk buat pape. Waiting for 2morow.huhu. Just now watching 'galaksi', they talk about liyana fizi. Then teros google, best jgk sore minah ni. Lagu 'light writing' very da cute.huhu

Tadi belek2 fb terjumpe gmba yg adik aku tag. Zaman kanak2 dolu2, zaman mude2. haha. rase lawak pon ade jgk. Muke xleh blah.rase nk gelakkan diri sendiri pon ade jgk.hihi

Teringat kisah2 lame, ngan adik2 aku.huhu. Zaman tu muke suci murni jek.. erkkk...yeke..haha. If i could turn back time, kan best. Xyah nk pikir2 segala. Naive jek. Emmm...

exist me

Just to remind you dat I EXIST..huhu
Eventhough jarang2 update..
For those who noe me, dun forget me okeh..
haha, cam glemer sgt je aku ni kn,
padahal nan ado..
k, papai...


Finally....yeahhhhhh :)

no more

When will dis story is going to be ended??....emmmmm


Wahahaha, i'm in luv again..dis gurl so talented,make me fall to da song..
dis song singing by justin bieber ft jessica...
aiyoo i have to say dat i'm in luv with da song..
bukan justin bieber eh..huhu
ok, enjoy listening!!

That Should Be Me...how nice

How nice+cute is this boy sang this song..huhu~
even if little bit sengau..hahahaha
watever it is, i like it okeh..toink toink


I need to know should I fight....
For our love for this long....
It's getting harder to shield....
This pain in my heart....

Huhu, how jiwang is me tonite...hehehe
skali skala ape salahnye...hiiii


Huhu...'stress' is coming over..
Btw, this how i am rite now..hee

hate dat i luv u

dem dem...malu la pulek nk ngaku minat tuuu kt atas tu...huhu

xminat justin bieber r, tp tetibe terminat dowh lagu nii..haha

best der sore rascal flatt..

okla, sile dengar yeh..



I wish to have 'i will'......=)
By the way, can i have it wif me?........


yup, dat's wat i mean......

man true lurve

Hafizi: Normally lelaki akan kecewa sebanyak 6 kli sebelum die jumpa cinta sejati,true lurve....

Syahida: Eh, yeke...Oo, cmtu eh.. Em, pompuan cmne plak?..
Hafizi: Pompuan xsure plak...
Syahida: emmmm

Eh, btol ke cmtu?...I've no idea,hahaha.. Em, maybe. For gurl cmne plak?... Ade sape2 tau,hhuhu.

Td tgh2 wt keje tetibe c hafizi gtau psl bnde ni, emmm...curious..huhu. Katenye dgr kt radio..


Win A Date With Tad Hamilton....
oh, how cute u r..
if i were u Rossie,----------.....


me..got an email????..hahaha

~~~Assalammualaikum Syahida,
Ni kak sahura ler. Akak nak mintak tunjuk ajar lah camner nak buat blog?
Sbb akak jual kuih & biskut..nak buat blog senang skit nak dptkan customer. Maklum ler.. x keje ni kan..nak gak cari duit lebih.
Mohon sgt2 tunjuk ajar syahida...
Tq tq tq...muah!

Huhu, cm terer sgt je aku bab2 blog ni. Padahal nan ado. Stakat buat blog bole la,haha. Tp utk akak, kite sanggup ajar ok. No prob la.

Emel ni dh d anta ari ahd aritu, tp aku bru bkk nii..sori2 kak, kite xperasan...huu~

Papehal nnti kite chat2 eh...:)




Today I don't feel like doing anything

Don't feel like picking up my phone

So leave a message at the tone

Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything

Nothing at all


friday oh friday

Hell....its scares me!!!!

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pkuL berape daTuk harimau

menghitung hari


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=), ]-), =(, ~(^_^)~..hehe

remedy of me


gosp gosp



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