
I need to know should I fight....
For our love for this long....
It's getting harder to shield....
This pain in my heart....

Huhu, how jiwang is me tonite...hehehe
skali skala ape salahnye...hiiii

8 conteng:

  1. JMS said...:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  1. JMS said...:

    ur heart is pink...

  1. SYAHIDA said...:

    yes, it is..haha

  1. JMS said...:

    cute nya yer.....mcm tuan nya(kata ammar)...

  1. SYAHIDA said...:

    kata ammar?...ade kene mengena ke?...:p

  1. JMS said...:

    i rasa ammartk tipu...i pun rasa itu btul...:P

  1. SYAHIDA said...:

    ape yg btol????apo2 yo la..hihi

  1. JMS said...:

    itu....itu tu...yg cute tu....

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