epi besday achik n iwan

Arini aku nk wish besday both of my sister n brother... Besday dorg ni dekat2 je, c iwan 10/06 n c achik 11/06... So, aku wish sekali jela eh..

Love note to iwan-->

Hope u epi alwayzzz.. Samat ari tua jgk, da umo 16...da tua da... Blaja betol2 okeh..
Sori xdpt clbrate same..jgn mare yep... Em, adiahnye adalahhhhhhh......huhu, moto skuter karisma .. Xcaye, g tgk kt luar umah, moto sebijik aku kc mg...hehehehe...yg ptg jge org tersyg leklok tau,huhu~

iwan a.k.a abang

Love note to achik-->
epi besday to u.. Wish ur dream come true n epi alwayzzz.. samat ari tua same gk ngn iwan.. Da tua da mg.. Blaja leklok, sem ni hope dpt dekan lg cm sem lps...huhu~ Adiah aku kc emmmmm....ko mntk ngn yana,hehe~ p/s:dont be gediksssss

achik a.k.a fifah

Lastly time la lgu dr akak mu ini:

Hepi besday to u
epi besday to u
epi besday to achik n iwan
epi besday to u.......

ok, clap3 ur hands...hehe..time kaseh time kaseh dgr sy nyanyi...



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