2012 is coming

Selamat menyambut tahun baru 2012...
bersyukur 2011 telah berjaya aku tempuh...alhamdulillah..
n now...more fighting on 2012!!!

lazy lazy

Sejak 2 ari yg lps, penyakit mls asyik dtg jek..aku rase xnk buat sume bnde, klo bole nk bermalas-malasan jek..haha~ no no, cannot..ank dara sile rajin2 kan diri.. em, mybe sbb aura blk dri holiday kot,huhu~ Nway aritu ari ahd aku g batu pahat..membe kawen, tdo batu pahat 1 malam.. Walopon sehari it's release my tension.. N now, aura holiday tu still inside my body, xnk kua lg agaknye.. Oh, knp sgt terasa tidak rajin...

tata...just wanna lay in my bed


Yes!! you laa..dun toleh2 tepi..because it's u...huhu~


Nk tergelak aku bce ni...hhaha

dahlia vs aina

Do they look same?...huhu

p/s: pic taken from diyana halik's instagram


this pic means a lot...

p/s: The baby is cute super duper cute!!!!


sometimes people can be like this...not sometimes but always...

I made this widget at MyFlashFetish.com.

pkuL berape daTuk harimau

menghitung hari


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