ujan ptg2...

d kala ptg ini, ujan pn trun.. Aiyark, cmne mo blk ni... Waduh2, nmpknya kne tgu la 1jam lg... em, nk share pe eh skg... Emmmmmmmmmmm.......

Klu majuk kne ade yg pujuk eh... Klu xmo pujuk leh x?...huhu~ ish3, pening2 dk pk mnde neh... Ske ati aku r kn nk pjuk ke x, ade aku kesah?.....(pnjm ayt org neh)...lalalalalalala

Okla, nmpk nye ujan da nk benti...So, stop here...
Bye bye, papai..sayonara...adios...


Da lme xupdate blog ni sejak2 blk bcuti...huhu~ cont psl pgilan tepon tuh, lps meeting ktorg aritu sume nye da d rungkai segalanye... segale ketensenan c renny.. So,everytin' is ok now, but not all... ok, close cite tuh..

Mlm 6/03/09 jeng3x tcipte la 1 history kt uma ktorg dat is besday clbration.. Rupe2 nye uma tu b4 ni xpenah wt besday party..so, xpela..ktorg rasmi dlu..huhu~ Act nk smbut besday c wana neh.. Besday nye 09/03/09, tp smbut awal 3ari becuase of pkare yg xdpt d elakkan... Act, bule je nk elak..hikhik.. dcni dsertakn skali picca2 yg d snap

lilin tuh yg mahal

ni la tuan pye besday(picca aku slalu interprem, wahahaha)

huhu, picca2 tuan pnye besday n manusia2 yg len xdpt nk d show off kn because of pkaian2 yg agak censored utk d tonton... So, itula cite serba sedikit psl besday party...

Arini plak tetibe jek org seblah aku ni ajk kawen plak...ish3, tebiat ke ape?..Bole je die ajk aku kawen, aku ni pompuan dalink..hemo2..Aiyark, sek bek aku xsakit jntung, klu x, xsmpat aku nk kawen.. Kawen3x, best ke kawen eh?... xdapet den nk jwb soklan ni sbb xde xperience lg.. Pade anda sume jwb2 la soklan neh... Selamat beramal~~~huhu

pGilan tePon

Ttbe aku dpt kol dr c renny(picca ats)...

ren: da, ko kt mne?
aku: aku kt upm ni, dlm klas?nape?
ren: lps ni ko g mne?
aku: blk la kot?
ren: ko ngn wana eh?
aku: a'ah ngn wana..
ren: jom g minum2
aku: kt mne?
ren: mne2 jela, aku kt upm ni.. Jom la, aku tensen ni
aku: oo, kt upm ke..haa, yela2

begitula serba sedikit pgiln tepon yg ku time... Xtaula sbb pe..

~gaDo psL nMe~

Lps siap sume2 nk p klas, trun la ktorg naek lif, tekan butang G...ting tong~

Sesampai nye d tmpt parking, ttbe trnmpak la satu moto skuter yg d gelar 'nyamuk'.. Xtau la psl pe pgil 'nyamuk'. Wana yg pgil cmtu. Act, 'nyamuk' ni ade kaitan ngn sorg membe ukm dlu, skg ni xtau la die kt mne... Smpt2 gk la usha2, haha... zmn mude2 dolu..

Ttbe tringt plak cite dulu2, 'pompuan2' and de others... Xtau la kt mne dorg skg neh.. Em, ttibe tr'ingt kt sorg dr kwn c 'nyamuk' tuh.. Bole plak gado psl nme membe 'nymuk' tuh.. Aku rse nme die irham, tp wana kate nme die irkhan... Irham ke irkhan???... Ade sape2 knl x bdk ni... Sape eh nme die?... ni gmba die

*irhan tu yg duduk dpn 4 dr kanan... Sape2 knl gtau la.. Kekompiusan telah melanda dirikuuuuu...

HepI bEsday!!!

Hey you
I know I'm in the wrong
Time flies
When you're having fun
You wake up
Another year is gone
You're twenty-three
I guess you wanna know
Why I'm on the phone
It's been a day or so
I know it's kind of late
But Happy Birthday
Yeah yeah whoa
I know you hate me
Yeah yeah whoa
Well I miss you, too
Yeah yeah I know
I know it's kinda late
But Happy Birthday
So hard
When you're far away
It's lame but
I forgot the date
I won't make the same mistake
I'm so to blame
So now you know
Don't hang up the phone
I wish I was at home
I know it's way too late
But Happy Birthday
Yeah yeah whoa
I know you hate me
Yeah yeah whoa Well I miss you, too
Yeah yeah I know
I know it's kinda late
But Happy Birthday
It's not that
I don't care
You know
I'll make it up to you
If I could, I'd be there
Well I miss you, too
Yeah yeah I know
I know it's kind of lame
But Happy Birthday
Yeah yeah whoa
I know you hate me
Yeah yeah whoa
Well I miss you, too
Yeah yeah I know
I know it's kind of late
But Happy Birthday To you
p/s: for those who clbrate their besday this month i wish hepi besday!!!.... (lmbtnye besday aku,huhu)

It's all AbouT u

It's all about you
It's all about you, baby
It's all about you
It's all about you

Yesterday, you asked me something I thought you knew.
So I told you with a smile 'It's all about you'
Then you whispered in my ear and you told me to,
Say 'If you make my life worthwhile, it's all about you'

And I would answer all you're wishes, if you asked me to.
But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do.
So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do.
Dancing on the kitchen tiles, it's all about you.

And I would answer all you're wishes, if you asked me to.
But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do.
So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do.
Dancing on the kitchen tiles, Yes you make my life worthwhile,
So I told you with a smile... It's all about you.

keJadian d pg aRi

Td pg after siap2 sume nk p klas, aku pn trun la jln kaki sorg2 p stn komuter...ngok ngek ngok ngek jln..

Al-maklum la arini trpakse menaiki ktm untuk ke klas d sbbkn hal yg xdpt d elakkn..

Then, sesampainye aku kt jejntas tu, trnmpkla 1 geng bdk pompuan neh tgh brtenggek kt tga jejntas tuh... korg taw pe dorg buat, tgh dk smoking, dhla dgn pakaian skola nye...ish3 pe nk jd la..

Xtaw malu lgsung, tmpt org lalu lalang dorg buat keje cmtu...Sume org dk tgk dorg, tp dorg lgsung xde perasaan...buat bodo je...mau je aku nk p lempang sorg2 bdk2 tuh, tp klu die bls blk cmne lor, tkut jgk, bdk2 zmn skg.. Ade hotak xnk pk... Mak bpk bg skola susah pyh, dorg prguna kn plak, mmg xde hotak.. dhla pompuan, wt malu kaum aku jek..

Bdk2 cenggini yg more trjerumus ke kncah maksiat.. Bkn nye sengaje, dorg mmg buat2.. Then, klu ade kes rogol mule la slhkn org len, padahal diri sndirik cri psl(xcept yg kes2 drogol tnpa kerelaan)...

Lastly, pk2 kn la..Renung2 kn la... Slamat beramal~~~~huhu

p/s: slh ayt act slamat beramal tuh..jgn amalkn bnde2 neh...


Idupku d ambil org.......waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

every week so tired!!!!!

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